Mombley's Musings

A blog filled with logic and humor and loads of wisdom from someone who does not suffer from low-self esteem, hates stupid and illogical people and takes the Bible to be the ultimate source of wisdom.

Location: North Carolina

Hi! I am a happily married woman with 9 children. Dh and I both have a very strong world view which governs what we do and why we do it. For the life of me, I cannot understand why most people have no sense of world view or duty...I hope to both inspire and poke the readers into choosing a Christian world view which will impact EVERY area of their life and will make a difference in eternity!

Friday, September 30, 2005

End of September

And finally the weather is cooling down as I like it. This morning I was walking with my 2 sons and the school bus (aka "the child catcher wagon" like in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) rolls on by. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that 90% of families with school-age children send their children off in these to be educated by people who quite honestly don't care. I did a mental calculation. Say the average teacher makes $40,000/year which equals $1,000/week or $200/day. Say there's 25 students in the class room (trying to keep the math easy here for you ps educated types...;-))...that teacher is being paid $8/day to educated your child. A couple thoughts come to mind...what kind of job would you do if you were being paid $8 to educate someone else's child. Secondly, just why are you (the parent of a school age child) entitled to have your fellow citizens cough up the difference between what you pay in property taxes and the roughly $7,000 on average/year that it costs to have someone else educate your child?

If someone can make the case that public school is nothing else but non-means tested welfare generated by wealth my guest. Public school is babysitting with a dash of reading and math as well as a heavy dose of socialistic world view indoctrination. Anyone who claims to be a Christian has a moral responsiblity to remove their children from this humanistic system and either homeschool or privately educate their treasures from God. To do any less is a disservice both to their children and their fellow citizens.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I've been meaning to start one of these for awhile...

because I have a lot of things to share that quite honestly, I believe are worth sharing. For some of you, I hope my words are an encouragement as you travel down the hard but rewarding road of raising your children to love the Lord their God with all their hearts, souls and minds. For others, I hope the Holy Spirit will use my words to convict you in certain areas and cause you to turn from a lifestyle of selfishness and embrace a Christian (Biblical) world view in more areas of your life than before. :-) As the old phrase goes, a rising tide raises all ships.

Before I sign off for my first post, let me leave you with a quote I read from Theodore Rooselvelt:

"Artificially keeping families small inevitably involves prenatal infanticide and abortion-with all its pandering to self -indulgence, its shirking of duties, and its enervation of character."