Mombley's Musings

A blog filled with logic and humor and loads of wisdom from someone who does not suffer from low-self esteem, hates stupid and illogical people and takes the Bible to be the ultimate source of wisdom.

Location: North Carolina

Hi! I am a happily married woman with 9 children. Dh and I both have a very strong world view which governs what we do and why we do it. For the life of me, I cannot understand why most people have no sense of world view or duty...I hope to both inspire and poke the readers into choosing a Christian world view which will impact EVERY area of their life and will make a difference in eternity!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

At the risk of sounding cruel...

which I am not, I read this article:

and the first thing I'm thinking is "Why does a 90 year old woman who has lived in her home for 38 years have a mortgage?"

Folks, there are so many things wrong with this picture (90 yo woman attempts suicide by shooting herself in the shoulder when served with foreclosure papers...she lives). Why does this woman have a mortgage? Does she have no family? Has she no children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, grand-nieces and grand-nephews? Can she not take in other seniors (or people of any age for that matter) and rent out rooms to pay for her mortgage? There was/were/are a multitude of questions that are not addressed. The media wants us to feel like we *have* to have Congress pass a bail-out bill (which has already happened...UGHH!!!!!!!!) or else we will have more 90 year old people attempting suicide on our conscience.

I, for one, feel no false guilt or responsibility. This woman has received social security for a minimum of 25 years. The home is described as modest. Something went terribly wrong, here folks, and the government is NOT to blame, except that they gave her more social security than she ever paid in, giving her a false sense of independence, when in reality she was a recipient (and just for the record, how much money has been spent on her by the good old USSA for her Medicare expenses?) I HATE reading the end of the story and this story is just that. A tragic ending and nothing of how she got there and how this situation could've been avoided other than to blame predatory lending companies.

Off topic for a moment: One of the reasons I do not feel sorry for ANYONE who finds themselves in these circumstances is because of their arrogance when they received they received these loans. They gloated over their ability to tap into living beyond their means. It was nauseating then, and is even moreso now when they take no responsibility for their covetous choices to begin with and show no repentance.

Generations need to depend on each other and work with each other and even live multi-generationally within FAMILY units......everyone's just *hanging* out there and they're lonely and parasitic. The right to be *independent* (when the reality is the independence means being propped up at taxpayer expense) is a dangerous one.Liberty is not a bad cause. Parasitic wealth transfer is. They are not the same.

God help us. And, ftr, I have a great day planned. I am a very blessed woman and intend to live well to show the Lord that I am indeed grateful for the many and myriad blessings he has bestowed on me. I do not take any of it for granted.


Blogger April E. said...

hey, Lisa! hope you are well.



8:08 PM  

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