Once again....
so much to type and share and so little time. Let's see. Sarah Palin. I really respect the woman, especially for having her son at age 44. I saw the picture of her and Trig on the cover of the Us Magazine and I thought, "Wow....when has a child with Down Syndrome ever been on the cover of a magazine?" For you out-of-the-loop-when-it-comes-to-pro-life-issues, did you realize over 90% of babies with Down Syndrom are aborted? Gosh, what a hard heart these Moms have. I'll never forget Mrs. Greenburg (don't remember her first name), wife of Michael Greenburg, scientist at Duke University. She got pregnant for the first time at age 40. Had her u/s at 16 weeks. Fortunately for Rachel, born in 1992 with 2 teeth, she, in the words of her mother, "was a keeper." Well, Mrs. Greenburg, when you're old and need help, let's hope your daughter decides, "you're a keeper."
Sarah Palin really does inspire me, the pregnancy of her daughter notwithstanding. Disappointing, yes...but what do you expect within the public school system? Noone is perfect (including me). I told my oldest daughter (age 13), "Don't ever get pregnant out of wedlock. Don't sleep around before you're married, because I can and will assure you that your Dad and I will not be as patient and supportive as Sarah and Todd.Have a holy fear of God. It will serve you well." In any case, what I like best about Sarah Palin is that she makes any woman (and that would be most) who willfully has fewer than 5 children (especially those who have found it necessary to have their or their husband's bodies mutilated so that they never ever have the chance to be so *cursed* again (reality is, they must view children as a curse...something so horrible as to be avoided at all cost, including body-mutilating surgery...as an aside, I remember being pregnant with #3 and people began to ask how many we were planning to have or if this was it. I would think, "How lame is that...let me go to the OB and say, 'Help, I can't handle any more children. We must make it stop no matter what the cost. Please, I give up. Please, ruin my fallopian tubes. The thought of another child is so horrendous that I cannot take even the remotest chance that something like that would ever happen...medically alter me, I give up.'" )Seriously, folks...Sarah Palin has left most lame *Christian* women in the dust. And, she's beautiful to boot. What I liked best, was that when she was being announced, as Bristol held Trig, Trig had no shoes on. Babies wearing shoes when they don't need them (socks and slippers will suit them just fine...I've yet to buy a pair of baby shoes in my life. I borrowed a pair for Elizabeth, once at 7 months and Rebecca has a pair. She wore them one Sunday to church, and then I thought, "You have got to be kidding me. How stupid is this?") is dumb. I want a woman who has 5 children, carries her Down Syndrome son to term at age 44 and gives him life when she knows he has Down Syndrome, because she knows in her heart of hearts that he was created by God for His purposes, then doesn't have him wear socks when the eyes of the nation are on her....she knows what's important in life and what's not. Plain and simple. Most politicians have absolutely no clue about it.
Teen age pregnancy. Where is the shame? Why is everyone so into *flaunting* their sin? If you get pregnant out of wedlock, keep the baby, and live a quiet life. Actually it sounds like what Bristol will probably be doing. But, let's not celebrate it and treat it as normal.
What happened to the shame in sin? What has happened to the fear of God? The fear of God, says the Bible, is the beginning of all wisdom. Yes, God forgives us. Yes, His grace is for us and covers our sin. Yes, we are not under the law. But, God is holy. The wages of sin are death. The fear of God is a good motivator to leading a Godly life, that generally goes much better for you than not. Christians and their arrogance are an amazing bunch. I just read a great article, called "Monetizing the Larceny in our Hearts" by Gary North. It is copyrighted, so I won't post it. But, the title sums it up. Every recipient of wealth transfer (and that includes SS recipients who receive far more than they ever put in; one of the biggest reasons SS is a bloated Ponzi scheme ready to collapse under its own weight is the decline in birth rate and over 40 million abortions. SS gives elderly people a sense of independence and arrogance that comes from being able to receive far more in benefits than they ever put in. Welfare. Being dependent on one another is a GOOD thing. It requires give and take to be dependent on one another. Independence is the character trait valued by most. It is humbling to be dependent. People are so prideful. Sigh....)
is acting out of the covetousness of their own heart. They want something their neighbor has and will do anything, including using the threat of government, to acquire it. If, however, one points this out, they are viewed as mean and a malcontent. How screwed up is that.
So anyway, off to have a great day formally educating my 6 oldest, while bringing up the character of my 3 youngest, while nursing a bruised leg (right) a bruised knee (left), a bruised elbow (right) and a VERY SORE, scraped up (right) hand, that happened when our elderly neighbor's dog ran into the road for the upteenth time, at my dog, who lunged at him, causing me to fall on the dirt road, and while they were very sorry, since they were elderly, could I just not walk my dog near their house (NO!) and absolve them of their responsibility? I think not. Next week, I'll go up with a camera, take a digital picture of their dog in the road, and Animal Control will cite them. I didn't realize all you needed was a picture. I would've done that long before. Anyway, my point is....it doesn't matter how old you are. You still need to obey the law. Most everyone, though, thinks they're the exception.
Oh, and if you're black, (and even if you're not), don't vote for Barack Obama, advocate of killing babies who have the audacity to survive an abortion (He voted for the legislation to make such horrendous practices legal....killing babies, no matter what) . It really is sick and twisted to vote for a man like that. Lame doesn't even begin to describe you. But, it's a good start. Covetous, stupid, and hateful also fit.
Have a great day.
Sarah Palin really does inspire me, the pregnancy of her daughter notwithstanding. Disappointing, yes...but what do you expect within the public school system? Noone is perfect (including me). I told my oldest daughter (age 13), "Don't ever get pregnant out of wedlock. Don't sleep around before you're married, because I can and will assure you that your Dad and I will not be as patient and supportive as Sarah and Todd.Have a holy fear of God. It will serve you well." In any case, what I like best about Sarah Palin is that she makes any woman (and that would be most) who willfully has fewer than 5 children (especially those who have found it necessary to have their or their husband's bodies mutilated so that they never ever have the chance to be so *cursed* again (reality is, they must view children as a curse...something so horrible as to be avoided at all cost, including body-mutilating surgery...as an aside, I remember being pregnant with #3 and people began to ask how many we were planning to have or if this was it. I would think, "How lame is that...let me go to the OB and say, 'Help, I can't handle any more children. We must make it stop no matter what the cost. Please, I give up. Please, ruin my fallopian tubes. The thought of another child is so horrendous that I cannot take even the remotest chance that something like that would ever happen...medically alter me, I give up.'" )Seriously, folks...Sarah Palin has left most lame *Christian* women in the dust. And, she's beautiful to boot. What I liked best, was that when she was being announced, as Bristol held Trig, Trig had no shoes on. Babies wearing shoes when they don't need them (socks and slippers will suit them just fine...I've yet to buy a pair of baby shoes in my life. I borrowed a pair for Elizabeth, once at 7 months and Rebecca has a pair. She wore them one Sunday to church, and then I thought, "You have got to be kidding me. How stupid is this?") is dumb. I want a woman who has 5 children, carries her Down Syndrome son to term at age 44 and gives him life when she knows he has Down Syndrome, because she knows in her heart of hearts that he was created by God for His purposes, then doesn't have him wear socks when the eyes of the nation are on her....she knows what's important in life and what's not. Plain and simple. Most politicians have absolutely no clue about it.
Teen age pregnancy. Where is the shame? Why is everyone so into *flaunting* their sin? If you get pregnant out of wedlock, keep the baby, and live a quiet life. Actually it sounds like what Bristol will probably be doing. But, let's not celebrate it and treat it as normal.
What happened to the shame in sin? What has happened to the fear of God? The fear of God, says the Bible, is the beginning of all wisdom. Yes, God forgives us. Yes, His grace is for us and covers our sin. Yes, we are not under the law. But, God is holy. The wages of sin are death. The fear of God is a good motivator to leading a Godly life, that generally goes much better for you than not. Christians and their arrogance are an amazing bunch. I just read a great article, called "Monetizing the Larceny in our Hearts" by Gary North. It is copyrighted, so I won't post it. But, the title sums it up. Every recipient of wealth transfer (and that includes SS recipients who receive far more than they ever put in; one of the biggest reasons SS is a bloated Ponzi scheme ready to collapse under its own weight is the decline in birth rate and over 40 million abortions. SS gives elderly people a sense of independence and arrogance that comes from being able to receive far more in benefits than they ever put in. Welfare. Being dependent on one another is a GOOD thing. It requires give and take to be dependent on one another. Independence is the character trait valued by most. It is humbling to be dependent. People are so prideful. Sigh....)
is acting out of the covetousness of their own heart. They want something their neighbor has and will do anything, including using the threat of government, to acquire it. If, however, one points this out, they are viewed as mean and a malcontent. How screwed up is that.
So anyway, off to have a great day formally educating my 6 oldest, while bringing up the character of my 3 youngest, while nursing a bruised leg (right) a bruised knee (left), a bruised elbow (right) and a VERY SORE, scraped up (right) hand, that happened when our elderly neighbor's dog ran into the road for the upteenth time, at my dog, who lunged at him, causing me to fall on the dirt road, and while they were very sorry, since they were elderly, could I just not walk my dog near their house (NO!) and absolve them of their responsibility? I think not. Next week, I'll go up with a camera, take a digital picture of their dog in the road, and Animal Control will cite them. I didn't realize all you needed was a picture. I would've done that long before. Anyway, my point is....it doesn't matter how old you are. You still need to obey the law. Most everyone, though, thinks they're the exception.
Oh, and if you're black, (and even if you're not), don't vote for Barack Obama, advocate of killing babies who have the audacity to survive an abortion (He voted for the legislation to make such horrendous practices legal....killing babies, no matter what) . It really is sick and twisted to vote for a man like that. Lame doesn't even begin to describe you. But, it's a good start. Covetous, stupid, and hateful also fit.
Have a great day.
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