Mombley's Musings

A blog filled with logic and humor and loads of wisdom from someone who does not suffer from low-self esteem, hates stupid and illogical people and takes the Bible to be the ultimate source of wisdom.

Location: North Carolina

Hi! I am a happily married woman with 9 children. Dh and I both have a very strong world view which governs what we do and why we do it. For the life of me, I cannot understand why most people have no sense of world view or duty...I hope to both inspire and poke the readers into choosing a Christian world view which will impact EVERY area of their life and will make a difference in eternity!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Illegal Immigration.....

It seems everyone has a view about this. Mine is pretty simple. If you are here illegally you should be deported and arrangements made for you to come back legally. That will never happen in this lifetime, because apparently the rule of law is meaningless, but, as an ought person, I will not change my view.

What annoys me, logically, is when otherwise conservative level-headed Christians become bleeding heart liberals and argue since the trespassers (otherwise known as illegal immigrants) are already here , it would be cold and cruel to send them back. Please spare me the self-righteous arrogant illogical statements. The cold hard facts are that businesses like having illegal immigrants here because they can pay them lower wages than other legal Americans. Businesses like selling their employment to the lowest bidder and illegal Mexicans are generally the lowest bidder.

I live in a Hispanic safe haven city, Durham. What that means is that noone in Durham law enforcement will ever ever ever turn over an illegal immigrant for deportation. It is sickening, really. Reconquista. A study came out that said illegal immigrants actually contribute more to the economy than they take. I wish I had a rolling eyes emoticon.

Does anyone have any idea how wrong it is for ANY of our tax dollars to be going to people who are here IN VIOLATION OF US LAW??? Sometimes I worry about our society (oh, really, they say)....all I can think of is the verses in the OT where the *Israelites do what is right in their own eyes* and God hands them over to their enemies. Where, logically, do Christians get off saying that well....I don't like this law regarding illegal immigration, so rather than work to change it and work within the confines of the law.....well....I guess I'll just ignore it and become a law unto myself.

Hmm.isn't that the same logic a murderer uses when he commits a crime.......hmmmmm....doesn't he say.....well, I don't care that there's a law against murder. ...I don't like it so I'll kill anyway. If, logically, what I say is incorrect, please correct it. Otherwise, you'll have to admit that you really do believe that you're above the law when it comes to illegal immigration and that's a slippery slope that I for one am not even going to step out on.

Oh, and those people who are generally pro-law breaking with regards to the illegal immigrants are usually woefully uneducated about American history with regards to history with Mexico. Let me send you to this link: Also, feel free to read Neal Boortz' column. He's a bit crass for my taste, sometimes, and he's definitely too hard on pro-lifers, but I REALLY enjoy his daily commentaries. He's as cranky as I am. Actually, we're not cranky, we've just not figured out how so many people can be so wrong about so many things and have no idea how illogical and wrong they are. LOL

Till later.


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