Mombley's Musings

A blog filled with logic and humor and loads of wisdom from someone who does not suffer from low-self esteem, hates stupid and illogical people and takes the Bible to be the ultimate source of wisdom.

Location: North Carolina

Hi! I am a happily married woman with 9 children. Dh and I both have a very strong world view which governs what we do and why we do it. For the life of me, I cannot understand why most people have no sense of world view or duty...I hope to both inspire and poke the readers into choosing a Christian world view which will impact EVERY area of their life and will make a difference in eternity!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

I was cleaning out my bookmarks...

and came across this brilliant article from The Rev. R.J. Rushdoony. Here's the link:
and here is the article in case the link never works:
Subsidizing Evil
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Rev. R.J. Rushdoony
Posted on May 18, 2005

(Reprinted from Bread Upon the Waters: Columns From The California Farmer [Fairfax, VA: Thoburn Press, 1974], 5–6.)

In the name of Christian charity, we are being asked nowadays to subsidize evil. Every time we give in charity to anyone, we are extending a private and personal subsidy to that person. If through our church we help an elderly and needy couple, or if we help a neighboring farmer with his tractor work while he is in the hospital, we are giving them a subsidy because we consider them to be deserving persons. We are helping righteous people to survive, and we are fulfilling our Christian duty of brotherly love and charity.

On the other hand, if we help a burglar buy the tools of his trade, and give him a boost through a neighbor’s window, we are criminal accomplices and are guilty before the law. If we buy a murderer a gun, hand it to him and watch him kill, we are again accessories to the fact and are ourselves murderers also.

Whenever as individuals in our charity, or as a nation in that false charity known as foreign aid and welfare, we give a subsidy to any kind of evil. We are guilty before God of that evil, unless we separate ourselves from the subsidy by our protest.

Our Lord said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6:21). In other words, your loyalties will reveal your nature; you will put your money where your heart is. If a man or a country subsidizes laziness, drunkenness, illegitimacies, socialist states or countries, and revolutionary activities, its action reveals the kind of moral order it prefers and desires. Every act of charity or subsidy is an aid, an encouragement, to someone who is needy and who we believe must survive. To further a criminal in his crime is to say that we believe in crime. It is one thing in mercy to administer emergency help to a wounded criminal; it is another thing to put him on a subsidy. Today, in the name of charity, we are subsidizing evil on all sides and penalizing godly people to do it. Even to condone something by silence, or without protest, is a sin and involves complicity in the act, according to God: “When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers” (Ps. 50:18).

We need therefore to call most of what passes for charity today exactly what it is. First, it is a subsidy for evil. Second, it involves a penalizing and taxing of the righteous in order to subsidize evil, and this penalizing of the godly is an important part of this false charity. Third, basic to this kind of action is a love of evil, a preference for it and a demand that a new world be created in which evil will triumph and prevail.

If this is what you want, then most of the churches of our day and our federal government should be very much to your taste.

and here is a link to Doug Giles' columns. December 22, 2007 and December 8, 2007 are especially insightful.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Angel Tree Ministries

Our church participates in the Angel Tree Ministries program whereby good Christians privately purchase gifts for children whose parents are in prison so these children experience the love of Christ on Christmas Day. A nice idea, in theory. Well, I took a peek at the suggested Christmas list. First was the list of Nos: crafts, board games and puzzles. Hmmm........all things that stimulate the mind and don't require batteries.
Girls ages 6-11:
Anything Bratz.....Excuse me? How about putting anything Bratz on the No list. No child, more pointedly, no child whose upbringing is already less than optimal due to the poor life choices of their parents, needs to EVER have a Bratz toy to have a full and complete childhood.
Purses, jewelry
Baby dolls that do something like eat, wet, talk etc. --esp. Baby Alive (which costs $49.99!) I just about fell out over 2 yo received 2 dolls that hmmmm........did nothing and 1 from me that talks and laughs when you squeeze it...and I paid $14.99 for that one. My 4 yo got a doll that hmmmm.......does nothing and my almost 6 yo got a doll that hmmmmmmmmm.........does nothing...but they are cuddly. I resent fully being told that unless you buy a $49.99 doll for a child it is not acceptable. What planet are these folks on?
electronic hand held games
I forget what else
Boys ages 6-11:
Anything Superman and Spiderman
Remote control cars (and just who is going to buy the batteries?) about play cars?
Electronic handheld games
I forget what else

Here is what really killed me....
Teenage Girls and Boys 12 and up:
CD players
mp3 players
Electronic hand held games
Cell phones
Calling cards/prepaid minutes for the cell phones!
For girls, jewelry
For boys...that was it.

Okay, the problems here are many and multitudinal. The true message of Christ is simple as summed up in John 3:16. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

So far, so good. We also know that God is love. What is love? Is love the outpouring of electronic devices? No. What happened to gratefulness? What happened to thankfulness? These children are already likely wards of the state. Why should they, in the name of God, be receiving electronic gadgets and Bratz dolls to woo them to the Gospel? These children need to be taught to be grateful for food, shelter and clothing.

The problem is the Church. The people in the American church are not grateful for food, shelter and clothing. They view that God loves them when they are able to *afford* (and trust me, I use that term very loosely) the above mentioned electronic items. Sigh.....

The welfare state needs to be dismantled immediately. Yes, a lot of chaos will erupt...but guess what...repentance is never pretty. Draining a life-threatening infection isn't pretty. It's painful (I had that done once and it competes with childbirth for pain)....but it's necessary for true healing to occur. Noone is doing these children any favors when the above items are bought for them. I thought it was over the top....and my IRL friends think so, too! (So at least I know I'm not alone...not that it matters that much, but I do like having some friends....LOL).

Contrast that with the gift list for the African Children's Choir:
Any clothes (no spaghetti straps specifically mentioned). Used clothes are okay, but if you're buying underwear, please make sure it's new. (Perfectly reasonable, imo).
Hair items
Other reasonable stuff....nothing electronic....these children are a pleasure to buy for.

So....competing with the welfare state is definitely not easy. I can't so I won't. I was at our church's Christmas Eve candlelight service and afterwards they have a reception. We go back there (even though we don't eat because we just had a great big feast before the service), and I see a 15 yo inner city boy that my sister has taken an interest in. He's a good kid. It's not his fault he has a druggy mother and a fugitive father (he's wanted in the state of NJ for vehicular manslaughter for being the DUI driver in an incident that killed his at the time girlfriend).....He has an older sister and younger brother. As I said, he's a good kid. I see him pulling out his cell phone at the reception. Excuse me? You live in Section 8 housing; your Mom doesn't feed you breakfast because she ostensibly can't afford to, yet you have a cell phone? This is insane! IF the welfare state were to immediately cease and desist all wealth transfer payments and if druggy Mom (aka Sandy) were to have to pay for her own housing and food do you think she'd really have money to get her 15 yo son a cell phone? HELP!!!!

Oh, and btw, we had a wonderful Christmas. We got our children everything they wanted and that we wanted to get and we all are in good health...and get this....NOONE got anything electronic....and they are grateful and thankful.

Oh, and here's a good one. This girl who has done nothing but complain for years about how poor they are talks about getting a Wii for Christmas ( I am so ideologically opposed to them I can scarcely be civil...if you have a mortgage you have debt and have no business buying a Wii!)....oh, how God cares for them because He provided a Wii.....and lest you think that they really are poor, how about reading the part where her 11 yo daughter stayed in bed from 6:30 am to 7: 00 am playing games on her cell phone? Good gravy! How these people can cry poor is beyond logic. Obviously, she is a very stupid woman. She also talks about how she loves her children and how it's so important to train them up; yet she's had a tubal. If you permanantly prevent more children from being born that is certainly your prerogative; just don't insult me by telling me how much you love your children and how important it is to raise them up in a Godly don't really love them...if you did, you wouldn't prevent the conception of more.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I know it's been forever....

but man, Christian socialists....why don't/ cant' people think? I am so weary of the entitlement mentality among half the population and then about a third of those remaining think they know better than me how I should spend my money.

On my favorite message board (which I'm on now, out of history....if I were to visit it today I would not stay...some women's husbands on there are so lame it's ridiculous)....You've got 2 ladies discussing their Christmas breakfasts being purchased with food stamps. How uninspiring and IMNHSO sinful. I read an excellent post on MOMYS digest by Jennifer Hunt where she said how the root of socialism is covetousness...I had never thought of that. I took it back to having no problem with stealing from your neighbor...but this takes it back even further...coveting what your neighbor has and being willing to use the force of government to steal money for you from your neighbor (the one you are supposed to love as yourself) so you can have the same as them. Wow. How unChristian is that?

People....I just finished the first 5 books of The Caroline Years series by Maria Wilkes, a historical fiction account of the childhood of Caroline Lake Quiner Ingalls. These books are so inspiring to me. The incredible hardships and privations and sufferings these families endured are beyond anything any of us can imagine. YET, there is no entitlement mentality~ no pressure to pass laws to extort money from your neighbors to make up for your crop failure....this family rolled up their sleeves, worked harder than anyone on foodstamps here in 2007 has ever worked, and lived hard. Yet, they loved each other; they were respectful, honest and hardworking. God....I so admire those people. I'll be honest; I like indoor plumbing and electricity. I like going to the grocery store....but there's something about living right...with no inflationary currency that just does something to my insides that inspires me like nothing else!

I haven't posted in many months. It has been my observation that most bloggers are pretty self-absorbed with sharing the minutiae of their day. Gag me with a spoon. Most people do so very little with their time and then they like to blog about it so people will pay attention to them. Well...I don't think anybody is reading this anyway, so that's not why I blog. I will never bore you with minutiae like *which child is wearing my clothes* (none of them because I am too heavy...LOL), or which child has a cold, or which child did what in what self-absorbed can you be.

My husband and I were just discussing this morning our purpose in living. At age 41 years 1 month I am still incredibly ideologically driven. Why? Because I have convictions and I don't believe that this world is about us. Like the Westminster catechism I believe that the answer to question 1 which is what is our purpose in life it is to glorify God and worship Him. How can you do that when you're self-absorbed? How can you do that when you're relying on the power of government to tax people under threat of loss of their property at gunpoint or a prison term to fund a lifestyle that by legitimate means you cannot afford? Simply put, you can't.

Get husband and I do believe in charity. Private charity. Private charity for those individuals whom WE deem deserving of our help based on their circumstances and choices they make. As Christians we tithe 10% to our church (and I'm guessing most Christians don't even come close to that...they have their excuses...but bottom line is they are too cheap and don't believe that they owe God that money...which, btw, they do! ). BUT, we also help people out as WE believe are worthy. Wow...what arrogance on our part (note: I AM being sarcastic) actually believe that WE know what is best to do with our money. And, this is the part that kills me among my fellow Christians....they are not principalled. They operate under situational ethics...welfare is wrong for group A but not group B. They are SO arrogant, they think that THEY are the ones who know best who should be the recipient of forced government wealth transfer....but they don't actually want to put their money where their mouth is and help these people privately. I just wish they could understand how unworthy of respect their ideas are and how richly contemptuous I really am of their intellect. They are so low-brow and stupid they don't even realize it....

It's funny...saying that socialism is rooted in covetous and stealing is somehow considered inflammatory and unloving....but practicing it is considered by many to be the epitome of Christian virtue...which is why ultimately I will NOT vote for Mike Huckabee.

Vote Ron He may not speak Evangelical Christianese but his fruit is fragrant.

Oh, and btw, I am expecting my 7th daughter (9th child) in 90 days. God has been good to us!