Mombley's Musings

A blog filled with logic and humor and loads of wisdom from someone who does not suffer from low-self esteem, hates stupid and illogical people and takes the Bible to be the ultimate source of wisdom.

Location: North Carolina

Hi! I am a happily married woman with 9 children. Dh and I both have a very strong world view which governs what we do and why we do it. For the life of me, I cannot understand why most people have no sense of world view or duty...I hope to both inspire and poke the readers into choosing a Christian world view which will impact EVERY area of their life and will make a difference in eternity!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I've had to decide to moderate all comments from here on out, thanks to a spineless cowardice loser named hazeltine. This miserable individual took it upon themselves to make illogical and stupid comments on my most recent post, and well, it's my blog and no stupid comments are allowed, and since the majority of people in this world are stupid, it only naturally follows that I must moderate all comments. I'm only surprised it took up until now for a stupid person to discover my blog.

As long as my children grow up not to be stupid and/or lame (since the two usually go hand in hand), I will consider my parenting a success.

One of the sad consequences of liberty is that stupidity is allowed. What this Congress and President have done, though, is decide to socialize stupidity. Pay too much for your house because you are stupid and greedy? No problem...we here at Congress inc. (who btw are up for re-election in November) are here to bail you out. We'll take the money from hard working folks who still believe that it is right to live within your means and to not use the power of the gov't to seize money from others to satisfy your covetous desires, and hand it to you, you worthless parasite. Sigh....and thanks to the Ponzi scheme of printing more and more dollars we can continue the ruse....and natural consequences (which generally allow for an improvement in poor decision making) will be eliminated once again. Granite countertops all around....

So, thanks to the losers up in Washington who continue to subsidize stupid/poor decision after stupid/poor decision gold and silver took a dive this week, decreasing our net worth by ~2%....all so some covetous individual or family can continue to live in a home they have no business being in to begin with.

Once what is right. Have another child so we can continue to outnumber the stupid losers (who thankfully are not reproducing too many of small benefit to their selfishness), and perhaps someday we will turn this gigantic ship called *covetous socialism* and return to the Biblical liberties that made this a great country! Oh, and btw, don't send your children to public school and tell me you love them. I hate bad logic and that is one line of thinking that is a great illustration of an oxymoron.

2 things....

First a correction: Not all my itching is due to poison ivy. Some of it is due to chiggers. Sigh...But I am getting better.

Second: I spoke with a Congresswoman tonight. Representative Virginia Foxx, from North Carolina's 5th district called me this evening. (We are in the 4th district). She was doing fundraising, which I cannot help her with right now, but when I told her we had 9 children, she said we were doing our part to help our country. She then asked if we homeschool, which I replied, "Of course," and she was very pleased to hear that and told me her one and only child will home educate her 2 children ages 11 and 9 next year. Interesting stuff.

I told her that she was the 2nd Congressmen I had ever spoken with~the first, unfortunately, being Tim Valentine. She laughed a knowing laugh. Get this folks. I spoke with Tim Valentine back in Fall 1993. He had a Durham office and I made an appointment to speak with him. We talked about issues and when I asked him to vote against partial-birth abortion he got furious and informed me that such a procedure did not exist. Well, Mr. Valentine, if such a procedure does not exist, how was it that the following year, 1994, the Contract with America pledged to pass legislation abolishing partial-birth abortions?

To anyone out there thinking of voting for B. Hussein Obama, remember this~ he thinks it's perfectly acceptable to stick a forceps around a baby being delivered to crush its skull. Sick, sick, sick. I shudder for this country.

Have another baby. Don't send your kids to public school. Love and trust and fear God. Be merciful. Do to others what you would have them do to you.

Till later....

Sunday, July 20, 2008


One of the reasons I do not post a lot is because it seems like there are so many things to write, I don't even know where to start.

First off, let me complain. (Oh, how novel, I can just hear my 1 or 2 readers sigh....) I have poison ivy on my left foot, my right leg, my left arm, my right arm, a couple spots on my torso and a couple spots on my forehead. I am 41. I have 9 children. I should not have to deal with poison ivy. Sadly, I just look at the stuff and it leaps onto my body. LOL. I try to just not scratch and avoid cortisones. This too shall pass. But, I wanted to chronicle this, one, to gain some sympathy and two, to let y'all know I am a regular human being who struggles with the discomforts of this world, as opposed to some leftist-voluntarily childless-humanistic-professor who profligates vapid anti-Biblical ideas while doing nothing to be productive.

Anyway, I find the economy immensely interesting. I remember as a new college student who studied chemistry (ftr, I graduated Phi Beta Kappa and cum laude (0.01 points short of graduating magna cum laude thanks to a B- in Death/dying in the Western Culture....I should've taken it pass/fail, one of my few regrets in life)), thinking how boring studying the economy was. How wrong I was. It is immensely fascinating. Think about it, poor reader. You get up. You are in a warm or cool house (depending on what season it is) with electric lights to turn on. You get up and have a warm or cold breakfast (again, depending on what your preference is). You get on your computer where you instantly have access to more information than could ever be absorbed in a lifetime (the verses in Ecclesiastes 11: 12,
Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them.
Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. come to mind). You get dressed in clothes, after picking out 1 outfit out of a minimum 25, that you did not have to grow/card/spin/weave/sew yourself. You do whatever it is you do during the day to be *productive* and eat more food in 2 more meals plus snacks. Somewhere during the day you shower or bathe (again, depending on your preference) in hot water. You enjoy life somehow and at the end of the day you go to bed in your lovely, comfortable bed.

Tell me, dear reader...what have you done in this world to enjoy such a high standard of living? Is it because you're American and America is God's gift to the rest of the world? Is it because you are a Christian American, and somehow entitled to a life of ease and prosperity? Just curious. I really enjoy watching the show Survivor. First off, I just plain like Jeff Probst. I would like to meet him sometime, and as an aside, I did meet Survivor Ted Rogers from Survivor: Thailand (Season 5) . He was/is from Durham, and I met him while walking around the Labor/Delivery suite of Durham Regional Hospital on December 8, 2003. I gave birth to 10 pound 4 oz. MS, and he had a son that day. He was a very nice man. I recognized his voice before I saw him.

Anyway, back to Survivor. The reason I like the show is because these people only have a few rudimentary articles and natural elements with which to sustain life and create a place to survive, literally, for 39 days. It's not easy (rewards notwithstanding), and here billions of us live this wonderful life way above what we produce on any given day.

The reality is we should each be incredibly grateful for the incredible life we life. But, dear reader, thanks to access to easy credit as a direct consequence of the fiat money system we are not. We are the complainingest bunch of folks on earth (and research shows that despite our material prosperity we are a miserable, ungrateful bunch). Instead, we covet what our neighbor has and thanks to 30 year mortgages we can have it. And, who pays the price? Our 3rd world neighbors who take our $.

Now, to be fair, because of the Godly heritage we as a nation have (would take volumes to write on it...try America's Providential History by Stephen McDowell for starters as well as What if Jesus had never been Born? by Dr. D.James Kennedy) we do enjoy a certain material advantage to those Muslim nations who are indeed covetous. That said, as a nation which has sat by complacently while thousands of abortions are occurring daily, h*mose*uals make a mockery of the covenant of marriage, record numbers of hetersexual couples also make a mockery of marriage, 90% of all families send their children to godless, gunpoint funded humanistic public schools, most Christian couples reject the blessing of children by either sterilizing themselves (choosing the curse of barrenness as in Deuteronomy 28) or aborting them on a monthly basis by using birth control pills or IUDs, and we as a nation have a house of cards for our monetary system, we are completely and utterly foolish and naive to think that God is pleased with us. God is so good to us and He is so holy. His justice cannot sleep forever.

And get this, dear reader. We own our home free and clear. I still covet. I still want things my neighbor has (nicer bathrooms and a few vacations...this after we've just added 1208 sq. ft to our home...what will it take for me to be *satisfied*? The lust of the flesh is ugly indeed). I work at it. I just wish I could find some support from my fellow Christians.....

We are blessed materially and spiritually far beyond what we deserve. When will we as a nation, or even as an American church (after all you can't expect non-believers to have the same Biblical standards as believers) be grateful and call for a dismantling of the fiat dollar system which is essentially worthless and allows us to live a much higher life style than we deserve? I wish it would happen. It will be painful....just as it was painful for the Southern economy when the slaves were emancipated. That said, emancipating the slaves was the only right and true thing to do. The cost, however, was huge...Sigh.....

We went to Stagville Plantation in January, 2008. What was interesting to me, was that in 1861 (the year the Civil War started), the family built the then largest tobacco barn in North Carolina. It was useless as the slaves were then freed, and then the slave owners couldn't sustain their crops. They had no idea that their godless system of living was coming to an end. It seems like even now, even as there's cracks in the housing market, that we think this free ride can go on forever. It can't folks. off your debts. Be grateful for what you have. To quote Madame Blueberry: A thankful heart is a happy heart. I always found it ironic that Big Idea had a DVD with that wonderful story along with marketing all sorts of Made in China crap that they then tried to market to young children and parents of young children. Sigh..........

Take care, dear readers!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


aka Federal Reserve Notes. I remember as a child, around age 10 or 11 looking at a $1 bill and a $20 bill. I would think, "Hmm.....why is a $20 bill worth 20 $1 bills? There is nothing about the $20 bill that makes it worth 20 x a $1 bill other than the fact that we have all decided that it is. What would happen if everyone decided that hmm....a $20 bill really isn't worth more than a $1 bill? Then, we would have a problem."

As a child, I intrinsically recognized that our paper money (fiat) system was a complete and utter fraud. That was before the internet, before I was married, before Rush Limbaugh etc. I knew, in my heart and mind, that this paper money was was only our blind faith that it was worth *something* that kept our economy running.

Fast forward 30 years....I'm amazed at the insight I had as a child. Because I still think the same thing. I know it's true and can better articulate and defend the thesis that paper money is a complete fraud...nothing but a Ponzi scheme, and it is completely and utterly true that our system will indeed collapse upon itself, and that we, esp. American Christians, will account to God for our participation in the system.

Gary North (at has an excellent e-book on his site entitled Honest Money where he will explain in minute detail what money is and is not and what Biblical and honest money is. Bottom line is no political candidate explains to us that our money system is a fraud, except for Ron Paul.

Everyone is complaining about high gas prices. They are complaining about inflation. Do you know what inflation is? It is NOT rising prices. The definition of inflation (which I only learned in my 30's) is an increased supply of money chasing too few goods. Wait! I hear you pay isn't going up, how can there be an increased supply of money? Remember those government stimulus checks? Just where do you think they came from? The government just literally printed the money...voila...instant money...created from nothing (the sin in that is man is taking the job of Creator, the office which belongs to God and God alone, and creating money and calling it such...when the reality is there is NO worth in that money other than what is imputed to it by the powers that be called the Federal Reserve)....all of a sudden there's a whole lot more money out there than there was before....problem's not real. It's like owning shares in a company. Let's say you own 1,000 out of 100,000 shares of a company. You own 1%. All of a sudden, the company issues another 100,000 shares without growing the company at all. All of a sudden you only own 0.5%. Your share in the company just dropped by 50% and you didn't do anything. Likewise...the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-beneficent (in its own mind, anyway) Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing, thereby diluting the present money supply (the gov't stopped reporting the M3 money supply a couple years was revealing too much information to the average citizen)...thereby there is too much money chasing too few goods and inflation results.

Why am I writing this? To educate you. The fraudulent money system is directly linked to the welfare state, which is directly linked to the moral decay in America. Remember the Bible says, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." 1 Tim 6:10 Money is not inherently evil. Legitimate money is good. All honest labor produces wealth. Money created out of nothing is NOT true wealth and should not be confused with real wealth.

Proverbs 13:11 states:
Dishonest money dwindles away,
but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.

It is a known fact that throughout history that every paper currency fails. Hmm....then why does the Fed do it? Because they figure they will die before it fails and they have no vision nor concern for those who come after them....But money gathered bit by bit (think how mining silver and gold is money gathered bit by bit) does grow. It is interesting...I've read this verse for years...and I always thought (and always heard it taught) that money gathered by dishonest means dwindles away. While I think that is true, the Lord showed me one morning in the past couple months that this verse applies to our money system which is inherently dishonest ...and that is why the purchasing power of the $ has decreased 96% since the *invention* of the Federal Reserve back in 1913. Our money system is inherently dishonest and that is why is has dwindled away. But, you will never hear that preached from the pulpit...esp. the pulpit of a mega-church....sadly we all worship at the altar of the all-mighty $.

I'll be honest; I struggle with all this stuff. We have 50 million (or so it seems) Christian financial gurus who extol the virtues of living debt-free. But very few of those even address the fact that our money system is indeed fraudulent and that we need to scrap it, IF we want to be Biblical, in favor of a silver or gold money backed system. Why don't they? Because, in the end, it will cause a drastic change in our life style as we know it...we all enjoy living off the labors of others (think China, Bangladesh, India or any other country you would never want to live in, but it produces many of the goods we use on a daily basis...we get their real goods...they get our worthless $). The Muslims/oil producers understand this stuff better than us.Sigh....More the middle of this, I am still raising 9 beautiful, imperfect children.

Do the best with what you have. It is an act of worship before God, showing Him how grateful you are for what he has given you. :-)