Mombley's Musings

A blog filled with logic and humor and loads of wisdom from someone who does not suffer from low-self esteem, hates stupid and illogical people and takes the Bible to be the ultimate source of wisdom.

Location: North Carolina

Hi! I am a happily married woman with 9 children. Dh and I both have a very strong world view which governs what we do and why we do it. For the life of me, I cannot understand why most people have no sense of world view or duty...I hope to both inspire and poke the readers into choosing a Christian world view which will impact EVERY area of their life and will make a difference in eternity!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Here's what I've been up to:

Life isn't always easy, but we need to tell the truth in love.

Dear S,

Thank you for your Christmas card and kind words of encouragement. I appreciate you remembering us and sending us the card. We did not send cards this year as we were sick from December 5th through December 26th with the nasty virus and never got a picture and since I’m in touch with so many on Facebook, I didn’t want to *overexpose* anyone to us. J Please accept our best wishes for the New Year!

I have written this letter in my head about 100 times. I have been on Facebook since August and it has been a very rewarding experience on a lot of different levels. It has allowed me to interact with many like-minded quiver full, homeshooling friends I’ve met through the internet, as well as interact with my own teenagers, a friend from high school as well as get to know various people from KPIC better . The only 2 negative experiences I have had have been with your daughters N and V and I vascillate between sorrow at their rebellion and rudeness and disgust and anger at the willful choices these women have made to walk away from the wonderful inheritance that they have been given growing up with you and W as parents.

My heart in writing this is one reason only and that is reconciliation. Reconciliation first and foremost of N and V to Christ, and when that comes, reconciliation with them as sisters in the Lord. Sigh….

I realize I am treading on dangerous ground, but as I wrote to you before on Facebook via Message (since I never heard a reply from you, I’m not even sure you read it), if my sons or daughters were treating my friends the way your daughters have treated me I would want to know about it. It’s not about me, but rather their overall rebellion.

That was confirmed last night when talking with R J . I told her I had seen from W on Facebook that he had been accepted at UNC. She laughed and asked if her children were *behaving* and she was *counting on me* to let her know if they weren’t.

Seriously, this all goes back almost 3 years. You sent me a high school graduation announcement from N. We rejoiced with her and sent her a gift card to Amazon. You sent me the thank you note on her behalf. I’ll be honest; it struck me as strange. I cannot imagine my Mom ever writing a thank you note on my behalf when I was 17.5 and I will never write a thank you note for any of my children graduating from high school.

I requested to be added as friends to both N and V. They confirmed me and I was rather disappointed with their pages. In August when N was back at school I wrote on her wall something to the effect of “As you begin to sit under professors whose worldview is contrary to Christ, please remember who and whose you are and that you were bought with a price.You are being prayed for.” Within 10 minutes she deleted it. Sigh….

You know how on Facebook on your Home Page they have *News Feed* for your friends. I have better things to do than stalk your daughters (what with 9 children and home schooling 6 of them….;-)), but on my *News Feed* it said N was attending some party. I click on the link and see it’s billed as an erotic party. My mouth dropped and I wrote to her asking why she had chosen to reject the faith in which she was raised. A fair question, I might add, when a 20 yo woman says she is attending an erotic party billed to last all night. She wrote back saying she was a bit offended by the question and how was I to know what was in her heart. I explained I didn’t know what was in her heart, but when someone advertises to the world they are going to an erotic party it would seem to me that their walk with God really was rather non-existent. She wrote back acknowledging that she could see where I got that from and then a whole lot of mumbo jumbo about searching for God and how she is sick of judgmental Christians. If you are interested I will email you the transcript. It was left that we would agree to just disagree.

Fast forward to December (or November). On my home page is a picture of N with her comment, “FUCK YOU” in capital letters. I comment Sigh…. (that’s it). She messages me saying, Leave me Alone Lady ;-). Sharon, if that were my daughter and she sent that to me, I would’ve slapped her face. I gotta tel you, I am shocked by the rudeness and flat out nastiness. She is saying “FUCK YOU”; I write sigh… and she gets bent out of shape. This is crazy. She then deletes me as friend. I subsequently deleted V, who back in October had posted an album of her and her friends entitled “HOT BITCHES” (the capital letters are theirs, not mine). How sad is all of this? I know this is not how you and W raised them. I messaged N saying that I thought she was being immature, she said I was being prideful. I told her “Sigh…” is not prideful and let her know what “prideful” looks like. I think what may have hurt her is that I said that I am holding her up to my children (which I am, A and L) as an example of how I don’t want them to turn out. I am very sad to tell you that, but it is true. I am.

Friday, out of the blue I get a message from V titled, “You have lots of problems”. I read the first line which said, “I don’t even know if I remember you.” I stopped reading because I realized that she had nothing to say that I was interested in reading. I scrolled to the bottom and told her “I didn’t even read this…whatever…don’t ever contact me again.” Quite honestly, I am done with the 2 of them, but out of obligation to our friendship I am writing to you to let you know what is going on . You and I have been friends for over 18 years. You and Wayne attended our wedding almost 16.5 years ago. I have a picture of N and V in our wedding album in matching blue dresses. Now they’re labeling themselves as HOT BITCHES and saying FUCK YOU and getting mad at me when I ask them about it?!!! This is insane and horribly sad. You and I have given birth within 12 hours of each other over 12 years ago and we talked the night E was born almost 7 years ago and we rejoiced with you when J was born almost 8 years ago (I will always remember that, especially as we have the changing of the guard here). ‘’

So, in closing, I’m not sure what to say. Again, I write only with the hope that someday they will be restored to Christ and realize that I cared enough to say it is NOT okay to reject Christ and to act like the world. It is a crazy world and I want the best for y’all. To whatever end I can be helpful I will be. In the meantime, I will continue to love and raise my children for Christ.

Oh, on a positive note. As things keep getting crazier and crazier in the economy and culture I think of W saying, “What kind of church is Christ coming back for? Is he coming back for a defeated, broken down bride? Or is he coming back for a beautiful, victorious bride?” I believe the Church will ultimately be victorious because we have the truth on our side. And I hope that’s still the theology the two of you subscribe to.

And for the record, J is dating a self-proclaimed Hindu. She is not listening to anyone, and my Mom thinks it’s okay because he’s a *very nice, moral man*. Which he is. Sadly, last I checked, though, that is not sufficient for salvation. I just don’t understand these young women who have had so much poured into them in terms of proper teaching and lots of travel and missionary experiences to just reject Christ and walk away? Have we made it too easy that they are ungrateful? I have to wonder.

I submit this to you humbly.
Your sister in Christ,
