The Titanic....
WHY ARE NO PASTORS GETTING UPSET ABOUT THIS? The Bible says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
Read this verse: Ecclesiastes 8:11: When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.
Does this not describe America today? The inner cities are in chaos, middle class Americans are struggling and miserable as they deal with debt that they will never be able to pay back in their lifetime and the pastors of evangelical, charismatic America are saying, "Peace, peace".
Folks, when the Titanic hit the iceberg it didn't crash for 3.5 hours. It was just a little bump. Most of the passengers didn't even notice it, other than to feel a slight bump. They didn't know they were going to die in less than 4 hours. Likewise, to the average American the *bump* that was felt this week in the financial markets is HUGE, but they don't realize it and they go on their merry little way.
Here it is in a nutshell: Tell me the difference between the USSR and the USSA. The governmnent has no Biblical NOR constitutional mandate to create money out of nothing to give to those to bail them out from their debt. Do the pastors never read Deuternomony 28? Do they not understand that our money system is dishonest to its core? Do they not understand that the root of government wealth transfer is covetousness which is expressly forbidden in the 10 commandments? I don't think they're that stupid. I believe they're overwhelmed by the enormity of what is wrong, and coupled with the fact that reality states we may have to learn like Paul to be *content in want* and let's face it, it's not a road any of us eagerly embrace and we don't want to have to swiftly prosecute the crime that would happen when the $ are taken away from the parasites (sorry...but that's an accurate description).
One thing that's bothering me a lot is that what would a Biblical kingdom here on earth look like? Sure, we look at Israel, but that was an agrarian community that didn't take up a lot of square miles. We're talking a HUGE world wide (global) economy operating on a fiat system of money. If everyone were to stop taking on any new debt today, there would not be enough money to pay back their loans today, because the government has not created it yet. It is a doomed, Ponzi scheme system.
Here in America we value our independence. It is such a false independence; it bears no resemblance to the independence exhibited by our pioneer forefathers who would burn down their homes when they moved to recycle the nails. I read recently that the Federal Government's definition of poverty is $1,000/year higher than the average $ for a Russian family. This is so insane.
Anyway, what would be the way to live with a right system? I'm not sure...but it needs to be figured out because the collapse of the American fiat system (which is pretty inevitable at this point thanks to our unending greed) is going to create a vaccuum. I feel a bit bad that in addition to bearing and raising 9 children I have not figured out the solution to this global crisis; I was hoping that the pastors and other people who are charged with creating a better society for us to live in would have addressed it. Apparently they have not and now the job has fallen to Dan and me and Doug Tjaden to fill in the gap.
Going back to the Titanic. Remember how they thought it was so unsinkable that they didn't have enough life boats for everyone on board? Think silver and gold. Here's the parallel: The Fed thinks that our monetary system is so unsinkable that there are not enough life boats on board (i.e. gold and silver to back our money). Well, as we know, the Titanic sunk, killing 1,517 people with 706 survivors. The unthinkable does happen. Unsinkable ships do sink. What are we waiting for?
God is loving and kind. He is longsuffering and patient. He is holy and just. I don't know what all the answers are. I do, know, however what the answers are not. They are not to create money out of nothing, further inflating our money supply. They are not taking wealth created by producers and giving it to consumers/non-producers with no moral strings attached. They are not to measure God's favor by one's material posessions (Remember, the Bible says, "Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions" Luke 12:16)
Today at church we had the mayor pro tem greet us. Cora, a black lady, is a believer. She confessed her faith in Jesus. She was 100% right on in terms of acknowledging that Jeus is our only hope for anything. BUT, and oh, how sad that there is always a BUT, she then proclaims Bill Bell, (Socialist A), the greatest mayor on earth. You know this woman will vote for Barack "Make sure the baby is dead no matter what when it comes to abortion" Obama. WHY? Why does life not matter? Why is the transfer of wealth and covetousness so acceptable? Dan and I are just bursting at the seams wondering why what is seemingly so obvious to us is so not even on the radar screens of others. If you mention to most black Christians that wealth transfer is unbiblical, they would look at you like you have 3 heads or 3 eyes or something like that.
Folks, the answers are easy. They are difficult to implement. Our flesh struggles with self-denial, yet is this not what Jesus asks? We need to pay our debts. We need to stop looking to the government as our Savior and look to our Lord, who has promised that HE WILL NEVER leave us or forsake us.
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."Hebrews 13:5-6
And to end on a hopeful note:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
There is always hope, folks.
Now, next time I have an hour or so I have a topic so exciting and new that the way you look at things will never be the same. Here is the teaser: Usury, biblically speaking, is ANY interest, not excessive interest. We, as Christians, are forbidden to charge Christians interest. Hmmm.......And, the reason we do is because we have a money system that is inherently inflationary. If you use gold and silver, the value of that gold and silver increases as more is mined (which is hard work, which is what most American Christians try to avoid at absolutely all costs, preferring to use fiat money in its place), so even when you loan money at no interest, the money you receive back is increased in value, so there is a built in interest, even without any being charged. How's that for revolutionary thinking?
Live well. Try to get people NOT to vote for Barack Obama.