Mombley's Musings

A blog filled with logic and humor and loads of wisdom from someone who does not suffer from low-self esteem, hates stupid and illogical people and takes the Bible to be the ultimate source of wisdom.

Location: North Carolina

Hi! I am a happily married woman with 9 children. Dh and I both have a very strong world view which governs what we do and why we do it. For the life of me, I cannot understand why most people have no sense of world view or duty...I hope to both inspire and poke the readers into choosing a Christian world view which will impact EVERY area of their life and will make a difference in eternity!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Titanic....

If you're reading this blog, I'm guessing you're astute enough to realize that life in the USSA (United Socialist States of America...and no I didn't make that up) will never be the same after this week. The Republican President (Socialist B) has asked the Democrat Congress (Socialist A) to authorize the creation out of nothing of $700,000,000,000 dollars (That's billion with a B in case you don't remember your numbers)...another way of wording it is $7.0 x 10 to the 11th power (I don't know how to do superscript on this). That ~$2,333 per every man, woman and child in America (assuming 300 million that means NO illegal immigrants went into this calculation) to bail out the bad mortgage loans.

WHY ARE NO PASTORS GETTING UPSET ABOUT THIS? The Bible says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.

Read this verse: Ecclesiastes 8:11: When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.

Does this not describe America today? The inner cities are in chaos, middle class Americans are struggling and miserable as they deal with debt that they will never be able to pay back in their lifetime and the pastors of evangelical, charismatic America are saying, "Peace, peace".

Folks, when the Titanic hit the iceberg it didn't crash for 3.5 hours. It was just a little bump. Most of the passengers didn't even notice it, other than to feel a slight bump. They didn't know they were going to die in less than 4 hours. Likewise, to the average American the *bump* that was felt this week in the financial markets is HUGE, but they don't realize it and they go on their merry little way.

Here it is in a nutshell: Tell me the difference between the USSR and the USSA. The governmnent has no Biblical NOR constitutional mandate to create money out of nothing to give to those to bail them out from their debt. Do the pastors never read Deuternomony 28? Do they not understand that our money system is dishonest to its core? Do they not understand that the root of government wealth transfer is covetousness which is expressly forbidden in the 10 commandments? I don't think they're that stupid. I believe they're overwhelmed by the enormity of what is wrong, and coupled with the fact that reality states we may have to learn like Paul to be *content in want* and let's face it, it's not a road any of us eagerly embrace and we don't want to have to swiftly prosecute the crime that would happen when the $ are taken away from the parasites (sorry...but that's an accurate description).

One thing that's bothering me a lot is that what would a Biblical kingdom here on earth look like? Sure, we look at Israel, but that was an agrarian community that didn't take up a lot of square miles. We're talking a HUGE world wide (global) economy operating on a fiat system of money. If everyone were to stop taking on any new debt today, there would not be enough money to pay back their loans today, because the government has not created it yet. It is a doomed, Ponzi scheme system.

Here in America we value our independence. It is such a false independence; it bears no resemblance to the independence exhibited by our pioneer forefathers who would burn down their homes when they moved to recycle the nails. I read recently that the Federal Government's definition of poverty is $1,000/year higher than the average $ for a Russian family. This is so insane.

Anyway, what would be the way to live with a right system? I'm not sure...but it needs to be figured out because the collapse of the American fiat system (which is pretty inevitable at this point thanks to our unending greed) is going to create a vaccuum. I feel a bit bad that in addition to bearing and raising 9 children I have not figured out the solution to this global crisis; I was hoping that the pastors and other people who are charged with creating a better society for us to live in would have addressed it. Apparently they have not and now the job has fallen to Dan and me and Doug Tjaden to fill in the gap.

Going back to the Titanic. Remember how they thought it was so unsinkable that they didn't have enough life boats for everyone on board? Think silver and gold. Here's the parallel: The Fed thinks that our monetary system is so unsinkable that there are not enough life boats on board (i.e. gold and silver to back our money). Well, as we know, the Titanic sunk, killing 1,517 people with 706 survivors. The unthinkable does happen. Unsinkable ships do sink. What are we waiting for?

God is loving and kind. He is longsuffering and patient. He is holy and just. I don't know what all the answers are. I do, know, however what the answers are not. They are not to create money out of nothing, further inflating our money supply. They are not taking wealth created by producers and giving it to consumers/non-producers with no moral strings attached. They are not to measure God's favor by one's material posessions (Remember, the Bible says, "
Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions" Luke 12:16)

Today at church we had the mayor pro tem greet us. Cora, a black lady, is a believer. She confessed her faith in Jesus. She was 100% right on in terms of acknowledging that Jeus is our only hope for anything. BUT, and oh, how sad that there is always a BUT, she then proclaims Bill Bell, (Socialist A), the greatest mayor on earth. You know this woman will vote for Barack "Make sure the baby is dead no matter what when it comes to abortion" Obama. WHY? Why does life not matter? Why is the transfer of wealth and covetousness so acceptable? Dan and I are just bursting at the seams wondering why what is seemingly so obvious to us is so not even on the radar screens of others. If you mention to most black Christians that wealth transfer is unbiblical, they would look at you like you have 3 heads or 3 eyes or something like that.

Folks, the answers are easy. They are difficult to implement. Our flesh struggles with self-denial, yet is this not what Jesus asks? We need to pay our debts. We need to stop looking to the government as our Savior and look to our Lord, who has promised that HE WILL NEVER leave us or forsake us.
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."Hebrews 13:5-6

And to end on a hopeful note:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

There is always hope, folks.

Now, next time I have an hour or so I have a topic so exciting and new that the way you look at things will never be the same. Here is the teaser: Usury, biblically speaking, is ANY interest, not excessive interest. We, as Christians, are forbidden to charge Christians interest. Hmmm.......And, the reason we do is because we have a money system that is inherently inflationary. If you use gold and silver, the value of that gold and silver increases as more is mined (which is hard work, which is what most American Christians try to avoid at absolutely all costs, preferring to use fiat money in its place), so even when you loan money at no interest, the money you receive back is increased in value, so there is a built in interest, even without any being charged. How's that for revolutionary thinking?

Live well. Try to get people NOT to vote for Barack Obama.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Once again...

it seems like so many things to write about, it becomes overwhelming to pick a topic.

Before I go any further, though, let me publically say I am very grateful RD's fever is gone. My sweet, sweet 6 month old had a low grade fever Friday night, she was warm on Saturday night, and she was HOT Sunday night, but last night she was cool. She is teething, I do believe, but fevers are never fun and I am so very grateful for tylenol.

Seriously, it seems like culturally and economically speaking things are becoming way out of control. I am forced to remember a couple Bible verses on a regular basis: "Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself." Matthew 6:34 and "Just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust him now for each day's problems." Col 2: 7-8 (That is the Living Bible paraphrase. I do not use the Living Bible now, but growing up in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church that is what they used, and well, when you remember Bible verses as a child, you generally remember them as an adult, which is why scripture memory in children is such a good thing).

Yesterday I spent the good portion of the day after educating my children, subsequently ignoring my children so I could read Land by Mildred Taylor. It is the prequel (although it was written after) to Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry. It was an excellent life-changing book. My favorite books are about people (generally black people, but also Maria von Trapp) and their families who are persecuted either for their color or religious belief as well as the LHOTP series where they fight obstacle after obstacle to extract their living from the land. But, going back to my Land and other books; they respond with forgiveness, determination and grit and it is so inspirational to me. As I look at the economy falling apart (and Lehman brothers you got what you deserved, I only wish Mr. CEO would be forced to return his $22 million dollar *bonus* from last spring to his stockholders), as their economic house of cards collapse (surprise, surprise), I think what should things look like Biblically. These books give me a glimpse into it. And you know what? It's not that difficult.

It looks like, "Do to others what you would have them do to you." "Do not repay evil with evil but with good." "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and work with your hands so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and that you may be dependent on no one." "Do not steal." "Do not covet."

Seriously, life is not that complicated.

I have been thinking a lot about debt. First of all, I have to confess, we have some debt. Part of it is to ourselves (a 401 k loan, that if we *defaulted on* we would have to a pay 10% penalty and then taxes on it), as well as some small credit card debts that average 1% interest (yes, that is correct, 1%). In some ways I don't consider the 401K a loan because it is to ourselves, but with Dan's job uncertainty, a 10% penalty and subsequent taxes (which is not so bad, because our tax rate is about as low as it will ever be) is becoming a reality, and as I consider a very miserly budget, the debt at 1% is still there. Each month puts us in a better shape, but well, I don't like the thought of touching any savings, because to me, once you do that, it's all downhill (in case you haven't figured it out, I am an all or nothing type person, which I really need to work all things it's a strength and weakness). Anyway, here as a nation we're running around with a $9.4 TRILLION dollar debt (that's trillion with a T not a b or m). Let's put the 0's in so it looks like the big number it is: $9,400,000,000,000. That's a pretty big number. So big in fact it works out to $31333 (or something close to that) debt for every man woman and child in America. BUT, that does not included our unfunded promises (like social security and prescription drugs) as well as state and personal debt which totals $44 trillion ($44,000,000,000,000) which brings our debt up to something like $143,000 per every man woman and child (It must be true; after all I read it on the internet). Tell me must be repaid. We all must pay our debts, and there simply isn't enough money there to do it, without more being printed. And guess what aren't having enough babies to produce workers to pay for it. You can't have it both can't not have babies because they're a pain and awful and you can't be bothered, and then have the social programs in place whereby you receive tons more than you ever put in because hopefully other people (most of whom hate babies just as much as you do) have the babies who become the workers who apparently are so stupid they won't mind hideously high income tax/social security rates to pay for your lameness and selfishness. Well, guess like mine are going to growing up into adults who are not interested in footing the bill for your selfish, parasitic lifestyle, and as you have fewer kids (or none at all), we're having more and well, they will probably vote to cut your benefits like you deserve....Something will have to give as the people at Lehman Brothers, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, AIG and Washington Mutual are finding out. And what is the Fed's answer? Let's just declare $70,000,000,000 (that's Billion with a B) into existence with no labor to back it up to prop up these institutions. This is scary stuff folks.

How demoralizing is it to work all day for $300 and see your neighbor receive $300 from the Federal Reserve just for existing while they spent the day watching Ellen, Oprah and Judge Karen? It is demoralizing and maddening. Something is going to have to give.

I keep thinking what would a Christian monetary system look like (after all you can't just create a vaccuum). I keep coming back to "Do to others what you would have them do to you". Apparently God's wisdom is truly foolishness to those who are perishing (and that includes Christians who are willfully economically ignorant). We are not entitled to anything just because we are Christians. When will our Christian pastors address this monster (debt according to Deuteronomy 28) from the pulpit? It might be too scary as they all have their mortgages of various sizes hanging out there, and to address it might mean they need to do something about it themselves...and well...I'm guessing they're not interested in doing that. (As an aside, why won't the above sentences go into arial, my favorite font? This makes no sense...sorry for the inconsistency. I am aware of it, but can't change it).

And, for the record, if you are a taxpayer funded school parent, don't you ever ever complain about the debt. You are adding to it at a much faster rate than me. Hypocrite is the label for you.

Help. you children. Live within your means. Pay off your debts and do to others as you would have them do to you. It really is not all that difficult to figure out. Why do we make it so?

Sunday, September 07, 2008


When push comes to shove, apparently Dan and I are really softies. From being tender-hearted towards babies and toddlers, understanding with children and teenagers, sympathetic towards the 20 somethings and empathizing with the elderly, we try to love our neighbors as ourselves. We also try to live peaceably with people. BUT, for whatever reason it doesn't seem like it's always returned. I see in elderly people more this very selfish attitude of "You don't understand what it's like to be old." No, I probably don't. That said, I think a lot of old people have forgotten what it's like to be in their 40's. It seems like everyone's allowed to have *mitigating circumstances* to excuse their behavior except for us. It's *okay* for someone who has far fewer children than mine to always be late in acknowledging my children's birthdays, because after all we are *such a big family how could they possibly be expected to keep track of so many birthdays* (choke, gasp, wishing I had some emoticons here). But, if the the tables were turned (which they wouldn't be, because I care enough to remember! ;-)), and I was habitually late in acknowledging a smaller family's children's birthdays *I* would be looked down, because *you have so many children you can't even remember anyone else*. The proverbial lose-lose situation, which I try to avoid, but sometimes they're just thrust upon you. Sigh.....

So, that said, Dan and I went to speak with the 80 yo dog owners. I will spare you the boring details but they were *very* nice to us. Invited us in their house. Felt horrible about seeing my very scraped up hand and very bruised leg.....wanted to know how we could work this out without them having to obey the law 24/7. I'm sure they're Christians. I'm sure I'll see them in heaven. They thought they were being very neighborly, wanting to work it all out. BUT, what they never said was, "This is our dog and we will make sure he never comes out in the road at you."...But since they were telling us all their aches and pains and medical history and in general being rather pitiful, apparently once again the duty fell upon us here is the solution. They will keep their dog penned on their front door from 7-8:30 every morning which is generally when I walk and the kids run. In the afternoon we have their permission (and in the interest of full disclosure they offered to pay for, we declined) to mace or high-frequency spray the dog. I'm not sure why it's our responsibility to train their dog, but apparently it is. Sigh....I just cannot ever imagine myself (even when I'm 80), explaining to a lady of 9 who was just injured by my dog (because that would never happen to begin with) that she has my permission to train my dog because I'm not up for it, and well, the deer eat our garden and that's why we need the dog.

So...that's that. I guess I won't take a picture, even though they only had 1 child (that's all they could ever have), but that said, at this point, they are receiving way more in SS benefits than they ever put in, and we'll probably never even see even half of what we put in...but's all about giving us a chance to *be a blessing to others* right? Gag.......Good thing I wasn't pregnant when I fell. I will have quite a scar. I guess I could post the picture I took, but why horrify anyone here who is just reading this innocently.

Let me tell you. Church was over the top today. After listening to a wonderful DVD by Voddie Baucham on Children of Caeasar, I was horrified by today's youth day.'s not going well for you as you pass the baton. It's because you've handed your children over to Caeasar to be educated and they're turning out just like you trained them to: Secular Humanistic Romans.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I *love* this guy....

He's not my husband, but I read his Neal Nuze every day. We agree on 95% of stuff....and I so appreciate his accurate descriptions of lame people.'s his link.... Enjoy!

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Once again....

so much to type and share and so little time. Let's see. Sarah Palin. I really respect the woman, especially for having her son at age 44. I saw the picture of her and Trig on the cover of the Us Magazine and I thought, "Wow....when has a child with Down Syndrome ever been on the cover of a magazine?" For you out-of-the-loop-when-it-comes-to-pro-life-issues, did you realize over 90% of babies with Down Syndrom are aborted? Gosh, what a hard heart these Moms have. I'll never forget Mrs. Greenburg (don't remember her first name), wife of Michael Greenburg, scientist at Duke University. She got pregnant for the first time at age 40. Had her u/s at 16 weeks. Fortunately for Rachel, born in 1992 with 2 teeth, she, in the words of her mother, "was a keeper." Well, Mrs. Greenburg, when you're old and need help, let's hope your daughter decides, "you're a keeper."

Sarah Palin really does inspire me, the pregnancy of her daughter notwithstanding. Disappointing, yes...but what do you expect within the public school system? Noone is perfect (including me). I told my oldest daughter (age 13), "Don't ever get pregnant out of wedlock. Don't sleep around before you're married, because I can and will assure you that your Dad and I will not be as patient and supportive as Sarah and Todd.Have a holy fear of God. It will serve you well." In any case, what I like best about Sarah Palin is that she makes any woman (and that would be most) who willfully has fewer than 5 children (especially those who have found it necessary to have their or their husband's bodies mutilated so that they never ever have the chance to be so *cursed* again (reality is, they must view children as a curse...something so horrible as to be avoided at all cost, including body-mutilating an aside, I remember being pregnant with #3 and people began to ask how many we were planning to have or if this was it. I would think, "How lame is that...let me go to the OB and say, 'Help, I can't handle any more children. We must make it stop no matter what the cost. Please, I give up. Please, ruin my fallopian tubes. The thought of another child is so horrendous that I cannot take even the remotest chance that something like that would ever happen...medically alter me, I give up.'" )Seriously, folks...Sarah Palin has left most lame *Christian* women in the dust. And, she's beautiful to boot. What I liked best, was that when she was being announced, as Bristol held Trig, Trig had no shoes on. Babies wearing shoes when they don't need them (socks and slippers will suit them just fine...I've yet to buy a pair of baby shoes in my life. I borrowed a pair for Elizabeth, once at 7 months and Rebecca has a pair. She wore them one Sunday to church, and then I thought, "You have got to be kidding me. How stupid is this?") is dumb. I want a woman who has 5 children, carries her Down Syndrome son to term at age 44 and gives him life when she knows he has Down Syndrome, because she knows in her heart of hearts that he was created by God for His purposes, then doesn't have him wear socks when the eyes of the nation are on her....she knows what's important in life and what's not. Plain and simple. Most politicians have absolutely no clue about it.

Teen age pregnancy. Where is the shame? Why is everyone so into *flaunting* their sin? If you get pregnant out of wedlock, keep the baby, and live a quiet life. Actually it sounds like what Bristol will probably be doing. But, let's not celebrate it and treat it as normal.

What happened to the shame in sin? What has happened to the fear of God? The fear of God, says the Bible, is the beginning of all wisdom. Yes, God forgives us. Yes, His grace is for us and covers our sin. Yes, we are not under the law. But, God is holy. The wages of sin are death. The fear of God is a good motivator to leading a Godly life, that generally goes much better for you than not. Christians and their arrogance are an amazing bunch. I just read a great article, called "Monetizing the Larceny in our Hearts" by Gary North. It is copyrighted, so I won't post it. But, the title sums it up. Every recipient of wealth transfer (and that includes SS recipients who receive far more than they ever put in; one of the biggest reasons SS is a bloated Ponzi scheme ready to collapse under its own weight is the decline in birth rate and over 40 million abortions. SS gives elderly people a sense of independence and arrogance that comes from being able to receive far more in benefits than they ever put in. Welfare. Being dependent on one another is a GOOD thing. It requires give and take to be dependent on one another. Independence is the character trait valued by most. It is humbling to be dependent. People are so prideful. Sigh....)
is acting out of the covetousness of their own heart. They want something their neighbor has and will do anything, including using the threat of government, to acquire it. If, however, one points this out, they are viewed as mean and a malcontent. How screwed up is that.

So anyway, off to have a great day formally educating my 6 oldest, while bringing up the character of my 3 youngest, while nursing a bruised leg (right) a bruised knee (left), a bruised elbow (right) and a VERY SORE, scraped up (right) hand, that happened when our elderly neighbor's dog ran into the road for the upteenth time, at my dog, who lunged at him, causing me to fall on the dirt road, and while they were very sorry, since they were elderly, could I just not walk my dog near their house (NO!) and absolve them of their responsibility? I think not. Next week, I'll go up with a camera, take a digital picture of their dog in the road, and Animal Control will cite them. I didn't realize all you needed was a picture. I would've done that long before. Anyway, my point doesn't matter how old you are. You still need to obey the law. Most everyone, though, thinks they're the exception.

Oh, and if you're black, (and even if you're not), don't vote for Barack Obama, advocate of killing babies who have the audacity to survive an abortion (He voted for the legislation to make such horrendous practices legal....killing babies, no matter what) . It really is sick and twisted to vote for a man like that. Lame doesn't even begin to describe you. But, it's a good start. Covetous, stupid, and hateful also fit.

Have a great day.