Making the world a more beautiful place
I always think of this book when we plant flowers. This afternoon I had the privilege of planting flower/container gardens with my 6 oldest children. We planted impatiens, New Zealand impatiens, geraniums, fuschia, petunias (white, purple/white and purple), begonias, a zinnia and 3 other types of flowers I didn't know what they were, but I knew they went in full sun. They will be so beautiful and are so beautiful and we had fun planting them and our little corner on this earth is indeed a more beautiful place.
Let's just say, I'm a bit over these illegal immigrant fallies. Tell me again why we don't send the little law-breakers home? Oh,'s because they work for less than the other law-abiding Americans who pay taxes.
So.....quit reading this blog and go take care of your children. They're worth it!
Oh, yeah, since I live in Durham AND I'm a Duke alum (a townie and gownie although I never went through the graduation ceremony), I guess I'm allowed to have an opinion. My opinion is that this whole thing is a mess. Lacrosee something better with your lives than hire painful and something more honorable with your life...I beg you.....God meant you for higher things than this...REALLY and TRULY! Don't plqy with fire. You generally get burned. It is so sad all around. Noone is without a lion's share of the blame...but rape? I'm not so sure the evidence will show that. As a molecular biologist in a former life, I'm wondering where the DNA is. Add to the fact that the photo id lineup contained only Duke Lacrose players..she had hmmmm......a 1/1 shot of picking a Duke Lacrosse player from the lineup. I guess it wouldn't have been too good if they had had a real lineup and she had picked someone, who , say, wasn't at the party? No photo id and no DNA....would've been a bit hard to go forward with a case that That said, the Duke lacrosse players are jerky for having a party like that. If my sons were to ever attend a party like that I would consider myself a failure as a parent. No winners in this one, that's for sure....:-(