Mombley's Musings

A blog filled with logic and humor and loads of wisdom from someone who does not suffer from low-self esteem, hates stupid and illogical people and takes the Bible to be the ultimate source of wisdom.

Location: North Carolina

Hi! I am a happily married woman with 9 children. Dh and I both have a very strong world view which governs what we do and why we do it. For the life of me, I cannot understand why most people have no sense of world view or duty...I hope to both inspire and poke the readers into choosing a Christian world view which will impact EVERY area of their life and will make a difference in eternity!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


after 9 years I am on an indefinite sabbatical from my long-time message board. I joined in June, 1999 and have had 5 *board* babies. It is a group of qf ladies; it used to be all homeschoolers, but over time, ladies gave into other pressures and handed their children over to the state to be educated. I was able to live with that, but a year ago a very precious sister (Hi, Christena!) was banned. I knew then that my days were numbered. I had a long history with a number of the ladies (who, not, coincidentally are the ones nearest and dearest to my heart), and I figured I would be there through thick and thin until we all departed this earthly life one by one to meet our Savior.

BUT, the intellectual dishonesty became too much and the bonds of being quiverfull were no longer sufficient to warrant my time, and the Lord distinctly told me to walk away. I tell you, he did that twice before. Once was back in 2001. I was pregnant with my 6th child and used to get together with ladies once a month. Summer 2001 the Lord told me in no uncertain terms to stop it. I did and have never looked back.

During my pregnancy with Esther the Lord told me in no uncertain terms that if I ever wanted to conceive again I needed to stop caffeine (coffee and Bojangles' iced tea) and Nutrasweet (caffeinated diet Pepsi). I did. No problem, once again. Our longest spacing ever, but RD was born safe and sound March, 2008.

Thus, when the Lord told me in no uncertain terms my time on the board was over, it was then easy to walk away. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), He has not told me to stop eating refined sugar or alcohol, so I still enjoy beer, red wine, chocolate and ice cream. LOL. I'd probably have an easier time losing weight, though...

In any case, the intellectual honesty was just over the top. There is one woman who in just over 500 days has over 28,000 posts. That is just insane, imnsho. (The one problem with this blog is not being able to use emoticons...perhaps I can...I'm just not sure how). In any case, she supports Ron Paul (great!! :-))...but in the meantime, she and her husband have availed themselves over $20,000 in EBT (that's the PC term for food know the program where the government provides you with food while you still own your home outright and have internet and are overweight because obviously you are not running a calorie deficit) and then she *praises the Lord* because they have been able to pay off $20,000 in insane credit card debt. (And, to boot, they are *selective* Medicaid the tune of say, only $5, least she has the decency to pay a midwife and home birth instead of sticking it to the tax payers of the great state of Texas). I couldn't take it. She lectures ladies on how their husbands should be self-employed. I'm sorry...excuse me? Self-employment is great, no problem. BUT, if it ain't paying the bills, do whatever it takes to pay the bills....what kind of example does it send to your sons? Sigh...anyway....she managed to finally drive me as well as another very dear woman away....Sad thing is, story next year will be just the same.

After 9 years, all the ladies who support government as their Savior instead of Jesus, continue to struggle. I realize we all are in different places, but forward progression is always nice.

So..instead I've decided to get up at 5:30 in the morning (have done so for the last 7 weekdays) so I can complete the 10 Creative Memory Albums I am working on contemporaneously. It is exciting.

I would like to state something: My life is not perfect. It is far from it, since, sadly I am not perfect (oh, really you say...I thought you were...;-)), and sadly, neither are my dear children. We all struggle with the imperfect life and our sin natures. YET, our life is fairly functional. I have not been late on 1 payment in our married life ever. We have lost tens of thousands dollars to unscrupulous so-called Christian businessmen (I will write an open letter one of these days to Amerivisions founder and president and spender of several tens of thousands of dollars of my family's Tracy Freeny) as well as thousands of dollars to bad investment decisions. However, we have made more than that by wise decisions as well as brute force and no cable for 11 years, and no sodas in restaurants and eating the crusts of bread and giving up soda entirely (just me and daughter #1, not everyone...LOL). We make ~$5,000 increases in our networth every month. That's another reason I took a better manage our estate...;-)). It was just too much to watch these ladies and their less than brilliant husbands reap some of the natural consequences of their poor decisions (thanks to gov't subsidies the natural consequences were not as bad as they should've been...and in the end perhaps they would become miserable enough to change)...

In any case, I feel free indeed, and I believe I will have more time to blog, although there is not a lot of time because it is difficult to type when holding a baby, and since I may not have anymore, I am holding my dearest, most precious 9th child as much as I can.

Till later,


Blogger April E. said...

So, that's the secret to finishing my scrapbooks? Getting up early, and spending less time online. Ahh.

I just spent 6 hours working on mine today with a group at church. I doubt I can or will go monthly (definitely not once baby arrives), but it was fun and helpful today.


8:27 PM  

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